Delivery | Set Up | Breakdown
Delivery and setup fees are QUOTED SEPARATELY based on the required time, labor, event location, and venue specifications. They are not currently included in our online quote system. Please email us to see if there are any applicable fees.
Delivery and set up occurs at a pre-scheduled time prior to the start of your casino event.
Generally, confirmations are sent by email one week prior to your event date.
Our set up crew also double as dealers for your event. For large events, only a smaller number of our dealers are actually on set up crew arriving early.
The balance of dealers will arrive 30 minutes prior to start time.
Delivery and set up times vary based on the number of gaming tables that have been ordered but generally can be from 30-90 minutes prior to your start time.
General Guideline For Set up:
2 tables – 30 min before start time
3 tables – 30-45 min before start time
4-6 tables – 45-60 min before start time
6-8 tables – 60 min before start time
9+ tables – 60-120 min before start time
If you require an earlier set up than what has been allotted for your event, we do charge $50 per hour per set up crew person to cover their wait time.
Please let us know in advance if you require this.
All breakdown occurs immediately following your rental period. No equipment is stored or left behind on site at any time.